All families have strengths. This program will help your family become even stronger!
Are you looking to improve your relationship with your children? The Strengthening Families Program is open to English and Spanish-speaking families with children ages 10-14. Through this program, parents will learn how to build a positive relationship with their children, set appropriate limits and follow through on consequences.
You will learn how to show love while setting limits, how to listen to your child and how to help family members show appreciation to each other. Topics covered include peer pressure resistance, reducing stress, finding family values, better communication skills, problem solving, goal setting and understanding each other better.
Classes begin April 25 and will continue on Tuesday evenings for seven sessions. All classes will be held at the Avenue of Life building, located at 500 N. 7th Street Trafficway, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. The classes are free for families with dinner and childcare (ages 4-8) provided. Spots are limited so reserve your spot today!
What are the seven sessions like?
During the first hour, parents/caregivers and youth meet separately with facilitators.
- Facilitators lead guided discussions with parents focusing on improving family interactions.
- Youth participate in games and activities that teach them how to get along with peers, siblings and parents/caregivers.
During the second hour, parents/caregivers and youth meet as a family.
- Families bond by participating in activities and projects that develop communication and problem-solving skills.
- Families learn to help youth deal with peer pressure, improve communication skills, solve problems as a family and enjoy family time together.
How to Enroll
For English-speaking families: Call 913-521-3370 or visit www.heartland180.org and click on the REFERRAL tab.
For Spanish-speaking families: Call Monica Enriquez at 913-263-6795 or email monica.enriquez@wyandotbhn.org.